
What is the Executive Management Program?

The Williams Group Executive Management Program (EMP) is a broad-based program designed to help doctors become better business owners.

  • Assigned Executive Management Coach
  • Monthly strategic planning sessions with your personally assigned Executive Management Coach
  • Access to the Optometric Success Center, online training library
  • Full access to the OSC professional, broad-based training library offering current virtual courses
  • Downloadable tools and resources to help you manage and grow your practice
  • Customized one-on-one sessions sessions with an Executive Management Trainer to answer your questions
  • Insights reporting for accountability and overview of your teams progress

Schedule a call to learn more about EMP.

I was so busy spinning at work, losing out on revenue and family time. With Williams Group's Executive Management Program, I have the theory, the exact step-by-step, right at my fingertips. In all my years of experience, staff and manager training is the biggest need (and headaches) in a practice.

Albert Ng, OD

Want to learn more?

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