
Scale Up Your Success

May 17, 2021

When some independent eye care professionals (IECPs) hear the word consultant, the immediate reaction is some form of skepticism. They have a sense of when and why practices need consultants – and they feel that they are either not at that point, can’t afford the services, or don’t want to involve others in their business.

Yet experienced and effective consultants offer tremendous business advice and insights that can help IECPs see their goals more clearly and reach them faster. As Healthy Eyes Advantage (HEA) CEO Jim McGrann says, it’s important that IECPs connect with consultants who can discern the practice owner’s needs and wants, customize an action plan and remain accountable for results. After having analyzed the services and experiences of many consultants, HEA launched the PracticeAdvantage program with Williams Group. 

With PracticeAdvantage, HEA members can make use of an array of consulting services and tools to differentiate their practices, be more profitable, and achieve their personal and professional goals at an affordable price. This program is designed to make consulting comfortably available to all HEA members.

Ready to scale up your success? Contact Williams Group today.

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