
Placing Team Members in Positions to Win

March 29, 2021

Every spring, a grower has to determine what crop to plant on each parcel of land. Most of the time, it behooves them to rotate the crop. One year it may be soybeans, the next year corn.  But the land is already prepared for both. 

Your practice may be the land that’s already prepared for a great ‘crop’ of team members. However, placing your team members in the right area can feel like a chess match. Where do they fit, how do they perform there, are they producing what you want them to? 

Thus lies the question, do you hire a team member for the position or do you hire the team member and train for the position? Just like rotating a crop, cross-training a team member to float from one department to another can behoove you too.

One tool that can be helpful in finding where a team member will thrive is a DISC Assessment.  This is not a test of right or wrong answers.  It is an assessment that gathers trends on how the team member approaches problems, influences and interacts with others, how they handle the pace, and how they follow the rules and procedures. This can be administered with current team members as a team-building exercise or with potential team members to place them in the ideal position, so everyone can win.

Although we still recommend face-to-face (in-person or virtual) interviews, this tool can be the next step once you’ve narrowed your candidates to your top 2 or 3.

The DISC tool looks at the four styles most associated with behaviors:

D: Drive or Dominance (approach to problems)
I: Influence (interacts and motivates others)
S: Steadiness or Support (of pace and change)
C: Compliance (with procedures set by others)

Once you are ready to administer a DISC Assessment, set-up is easy! Provide us with the candidate's first and last name and an active email address. If you are already a current Williams Group client, these are offered at no cost to you. If you are a former client of Williams Group or are interested in this tool, there is a nominal fee per assessment. Williams Group houses two DISC certified advisors ready to discuss assessments! 

The information generated by this analysis is intended to help achieve an understanding of the team members' behavioral style and to help develop strategies to increase their performance and enjoyment in the workplace.  

Not a Williams Group client, but ready to start an assessment? Get DISC Assessment information today! 

Already a Williams Group client? Contact us to start your assessments.

Michele Korth

Practice Management Coordinator
Email Michele


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